Quotes from great people

Irvin David Yalom
American psychologist
” Emotions drive our world. The world seems bright when we are happy, gloomy when we are sad.“

“Strength is calm. Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult.“
“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word provokes anger“

“Intuition supports logic. The logical mind is actualized by intuitive thinking.“
“Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil.”

Paul Ekman
“Our emotions can create problems for us. Mostly they harm us when we do not control them.“
“Emotions distort our vision. Interpreting reality under their influence blocks the correct flow of information.”

Joseph Ledoux
“You need to be careful. The emotional preparedness database always accepts new data, but does not always let go of the old entries.“
“The internal trigger can be bypassed. We are capable of not showing emotion and holding back the reaction within us. “

“Anger is the beginning of insanity.“

Frank Gerber
“Fear destroys the mind. If I follow its paths, I’ll leave my mind there forever.“

Margaret Mitchell
“Thinking about the past is for the short-sighted. Why bother with what you can’t get back – you have to think about what can be changed.“

Carl. G. Jung
“Listen to yourself. If sadness visits you, don’t drive it away. Sit it next to you and listen to what it has to tell you.“
“Any attempts to repress thoughts, emotions, and impulses eventually backfire and force you to feel and do what you most want to avoid. “

L. F. Shekhovtsova
” You suffer because you are used to suffering. For some, suffering is a lifestyle; for others, it is a way to survive another crisis.“

Dr. House
“Want to change your life? So, act instead of looking for excuses and pretending to be happy.“

Chuck Palahniuk
“To hell with perfection. Don’t try to get it. We need to develop. Let the dice fall where they may. “
” The value of life lies in the little things. You wake up, and that’s enough. “
” I laugh so as not to cry or not swear at what the world is worth. Laughter is another way to vent emotions.“

Henry Ford
” The main thing is your desire. If you have the enthusiasm, you can do anything. “

Wojciech Bartoszewski
” Seek and you shall find. Life is looking into different mirrors in search of your own face “

Christopher Morley
” Learn to understand. Life is like a foreign language: everyone speaks with an accent. “

Sigmund Freud
“Take action and don’t be afraid. Love is the most proven way to overcome shame.“
“Suppressed emotions never die. They are just buried alive and will emerge later in uglier ways.”

Arthur Schopenhauer
“Don’t waste your life on little things. In youth, life is an endless future. Old age is a very short past.“

Rust Hills
“Don’t complicate. The lives of most people are not so much complicated as confusing.“

Abraham Maslow
“Remember this: If you enjoy wasting time, it is not wasted.“

Colleen McCullough
” Be able to abstract. If you have nothing to lose, you will achieve everything; if you do not feel pain, nothing will hurt you.“

Bernard Shaw
“Don’t make excuses – change. A bad tooth does not make you less happy than people with healthy teeth. When a disease appears- cure it.“

Coco Chanel
Fashion designer
“Do not work in vain. Don’t waste your time pounding on a wall hoping to make a door out of it.“

Evan Esar
” It could always be worse. An optimist is a person who, having broken their leg, is glad they did not break their neck. “

“Emotions are a source of pleasure. The key to achieving life goals is hidden within them. “

Albert Einstein
“Always look for a way out. Find simplicity in confusion; find harmony in the midst of strife; in difficulty, find opportunity.“

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“How to kill fear. Do the thing we fear, and death of fear is certain.“

Boris Pasternak
“There is a balance to everything. The amount of power you receive is equal to the tasks that need to be done.“

Mark Twain
“If you think you can, you can, if you think you can’t, you’re right. When in doubt, tell the truth. It will confound your enemies and astound your friends.“

Oscar Wilde
“Keep love in your heart. A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.“

Paulo Coelho
“This is true reciprocity. Letting another make us happy means making them happy as well.“
“Be careful. There is always something to say, it’s just that we are afraid of the reaction to those words.“
“Don’t give in and don’t give up. Fear ends where the unavoidable begins.“
“It is better to show with action. Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.“
“The new comes to replace the old. If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.“
“Don’t try to be useful. Try to be yourself: that is enough and that makes all the difference.“
“Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.“
“The most terrible of weapon is the word. A word can ruin a life without leaving a trace of blood but cause wounds that never heal.“

Carlos Castaneda
“What is freedom? Freedom is an adventure without end in which we risk our lives and much more for a few moments of something beyond words, beyond thoughts or feelings.“

St. Augustine of Hippo
“Remember this every day. The good man is free, even if he is a slave. The evil man is a slave, even if he is a king.“

“Never pretend. The moment you accept yourself, you become beautiful.“
“You can’t fool yourself. The fight with others is just a trick to avoid the inner war.“
“Beauty is in sincerity. Even positive emotions, when false, are ugly. Even negative emotions, when real, are beautiful.“
“Everything is connected. When the mind changes, the body assumes the corresponding postures. “

Janusz Vishnevsky
“Tomorrow is a new day. At night people very often have completely different emotions than in the morning.“

Viktor Pelevin
“You don’t have to react. If you learn to see the blows as they come, they will lose their power over you.“

Allan Pease
“Men, take note: Women leave men not because they lack something, but because of emotional dissatisfaction.“

Neale Donald Walsch
“Anger is just a manifestation of fear. When you have nothing to fear, you have nothing about which to be angry.“

Robert Kiyosaki
“Our emotions are powerful. If left unattended, they turn into self-fulfilling prophecies.“
“The recipe for a successful life. If you want to change your life, begin by changing your words.“

Petr Chaadaev
“What is cooler – the heart or the mind?Those who create the mind with their heart do more because there is much more reason in feeling than in the senses in the mind.“

Jean de la Bruyere
“We hamper ourselves. We all love to criticize and thus lose the ability to feel truly beautiful creations.“

Daniel Goleman
“Intelligence vs emotions: Intelligence can be useless if emotions take over.“
“It’s us against them. Our emotions have a mind of their own, one which can hold views independently.“

Elena Rezanova
Career Strategist
“Save your energy. If you do not move, you will freeze and waste your battery on dithering. And then it quickly runs down.“

Rebecca Scritchfield
“What’s the recipe for happiness? Cultivate positive emotions. Negative experiences create a downward emotional spiral.“
“Positive thoughts nourish one another. Each positive emotion that they produce is layered on top of the previous ones, increasing the feeling of happiness.“
“Listen to your body. Every time you make a choice in its favor, you get a powerful emotional charge.“
“A person is a whirlwind of emotions. When you feel bad, you are not helpless. Only you can decide how to view the situation.“

Lisa Feldman Barrett
“Your emotions are not embedded. Emotions are made up of basic parts. They do not spontaneously generate; you create them. “

Ray Bradbury
“You’ll find out it’s little savors and little things that count more than the big ones. Sometimes all you need to calm down is a good night’s sleep or a ten minute bawl.“

Larisa Parfa
“Emotions are like food in the refrigerator. If they do not live their lives (are eaten), they begin to go off and poison our lives.“

Kelly McGonigal
“Ultimately, you desire yourself. Stress, as well as negative emotions: anger, sadness, anxiety, put the brain in a mode of seeking rewards.“

Erich M. Remarque
“What is hate? Hatred is an acid that corrodes the soul, regardless of whether you hate yourself or hate another.“

Brett Blumenthal
“A diary allows you to understand yourself. The better we are aware of our feelings and thoughts, the more prepared we are for self-development.”
“Smiling works well, but laughter is a much stronger expression of emotion. It deals with fear.“
“Thoughts are the cause of emotions. You know your own feelings like no-one else. Therefore, it is very important to listen carefully to your own thoughts.“

Bertrand Russell
“Proportion is everything. The degree of emotional reaction is inversely proportional to knowing the facts – the less you know, the more violently you will react“

Susan David
“Negative experiences are normal. The emphasis on positive thinking is a remedy that successfully deals with the normal fluctuations in emotions.”
“Your emotions decide everything. Uncontrollable emotions inevitably take their toll, and they find a way out where you least expect them.“
“Accept yourself entirely. With all your good and bad sides. Explore them without trying to get rid of them as quickly as possible.“
“Decide for yourself first. If we cannot unambiguously express our feelings, those around us are unlikely to be able to understand what support we need.“

Berthold Brecht
“Live and enjoy life. They do not live to experience emotions, but live and experience emotions.“

Angel de Cuatier
“Passions cloud the eyes because they are just emotions with no depth or understanding.“

Lucius Annaeus Seneca
“You act like mortals in all that you fear, and like immortals in all that you desire.“
“Don’t limit yourself. Shame may hold back what the law does not prohibit.“
“Begin with yourself. How can you wonder that your travels do you no good when you carry yourself around with you?“
“Only self-mastery is important. The strongest of all is the one who controls himself.“
“Act! No-one can know their own abilities until they put them into practice.“
“Take your time and think. He who is controlled by anger is better off postponing a decision.“

Lucille Ball
“All things ingenious are simple. Learn to love yourself and everything else will fall into place.“

Charles Colton
“Watch a person. In case of failure, pride will support him, while on the crest of success, it will betray him.“