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When interacting with the world, we receive information about it through sensory channels (representational systems), and depending on the features of perception and processing of information, people can be divided into four categories:

Visuals – receive most of the information with the help of sight. It is believed that most people are visuals. After all, there is a popular phrase “it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times”. Sight provides the huge amount of information that enters the human brain, approximately 80%. The visual type of perception forms a significant part of culture. All works of painting, sculpture, architecture, cinematography are aimed at satisfying the aesthetic requests of a person in the form of his visual analyzer.

Audials are those who mainly receive information through the auditory channel. They are much less common than visuals and kinesthetics. By nature, people are more inclined to trust their eyes and feelings, but about 5% to 15% of people “love with their ears”. The auditory type of perception occurs in men and women. As a rule, among them there are many musicians, vocalists, composers, representatives of other specialties related to sound.

Kinaesthetics – people who perceive most of the information through other senses – very well feel smells, taste, touch. It is these factors that play a role in any choice, from the banal purchase of a cake to the fateful meeting with a future partner. This type of perception also leaves its mark on the search for a profession.

Discretes – their perception of information occurs mainly through logical understanding, with the help of numbers, signs, logical arguments. This is a relatively recently isolated, rare psychotype that interacts with the surrounding world on the basis of logic and rationality. Discretes try to find meaning in everything, often delve into the areas that interest them, and achieve interesting results.

Audials, visuals, and kinesthetics are able to develop their additional sensory channels to one degree or another, when then the discrete type is not capable of this. And the owners of this psychotype are mostly men.