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Science is interesting, and society is moving towards an ever greater understanding of the true potential and significance of emotional intelligence. Well-being undoubtedly improves if a person learns to follow and understand their states, feelings, raises the level of awareness, and fuels an inner interest in the development of the emotional sphere. Moving to the highest levels of self-understanding, an individual learns not only to distinguish anger from jealousy, to catch subtle transitions between states of anxiety or fear but can also solve emotional problems on a practical level – quality education, interesting work, personal life full of colors, quenching spiritual thirst. Emotional intelligence serves a rather lofty goal, a quality life at different levels, from complete agreement and understanding of how our body works to harmonious relationships in society, progress towards the intended goals, and global knowledge about ourselves.

Of course, empirical research has not always indicated a sufficient strength of the concept of the influence of EQ on human life. Now there are already well-founded scientific works that confirm the influence of emotional intelligence on the quality of life, the ability to adapt and function in various processes of society.
Taking into account the power of emotional intelligence, professionals design programs designed to improve the level of EQ in the educational field. The abilities and competencies trained in such programs confirm their importance in the level of student achievement. It was noted that emotional competence grows – a synonym for EQ, which implies the ability to regulate behavior through understanding emotions, operating with sensory information for the benefit of interacting with the environment and oneself. Improvement in emotional intelligence leads to a clear increase in productivity and learning, as well as to expanding interests in the personal development of students.

EQ boosting techniques are widely used in the professional environment. Here, the level of emotional intelligence is working on team tasks, leadership goals, efficiency gains, etc. EQ directly affects absenteeism, prosocial behavior, team position, satisfaction, and productivity. In a business environment, a high level of emotional intelligence will work at full capacity, including balanced decisions, the ability to relieve stress in the team, calmness and a clear mind, the ability to distinguish between mood swings and the settlement of conflicts on different grounds. These factors also influence the increase in the level of wages, through confidence in their competence, greater productivity, building a reputation, the ability to express a need and to state it in a non-violent way. The professional areas in which the EQ level turned out to be especially important were: sales, marketing, personnel management, IT, top management, pedagogy. In these professions, emotional competence is at the highest level – after all, you have to not only monitor your emotions but also learn to understand the opposite person, his desires and needs. With high levels of emotional intelligence, you can influence, motivate, delight, and lead through empathy, self-control, and harmonious communication.

Of course, in order not to encourage too much enthusiasm for the practical application and importance of emotional intelligence, researchers of this environment remain open to dialogue; they seek, achieve, demonstrate the validity of scales, coefficients, and questionnaires. All problems for the implementation of EQ are lack of an adequate theoretical basis for use in a particular profession, lack of normative data for different groups of professions, and difficulties in justifying predictive and discriminatory data.
Today, there are emotional intelligence training programs with a high level of consistency, implementation, and assessment. But even those methods that lack theoretical justification still have achievements in practical application. Undoubtedly, by increasing the EQ, we come to a higher quality of life. Let’s check it out?