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People who lack emotional intelligence skills use other, less effective mood management tools. They are twice as likely to experience anxiety, depression, and drug addiction.
A person with a developed emotional intelligence responds to causes, not to actions or emotions. This helps her to accept criticism correctly, to understand other people, and to respond to them with an adequate reaction.

Here are some signs that you need to work on your emotional intelligence:
🔹It often seems to you that others do not understand what you want to tell them, and this causes you irritation and frustration.
🔹You are surprised when your words or jokes affect others, you think that they react too emotionally.
🔹You think it doesn’t matter if you are loved at work or not.
🔹You are in a hurry to insert your opinion into the conversation and defend it with great zeal.
🔹You make the same demands on others as you do on yourself.
🔹You think that others are to blame for most of your team’s problems.
🔹You are annoyed when others expect you to understand their feelings.

A high level of emotional intelligence is the ability to make the right choices in different situations, not just follow your reflexes.
Your EQ can be developed by systematically repeating new emotional and intellectual patterns of behavior, you can make them familiar. Your brain is consolidating the use of these new models, and old destructive behaviors are dying out. And soon you will begin to use the skills of emotional intelligence, without even thinking about it.
With the help of our application courses, you will learn to manage your emotional states.