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Cognitive neuroscience about emotions is a rapidly evolving field. It focuses on the neural basis of emotional and social processes and contributes to a better understanding of the biological basis of emotional processing.

Before emotions are manifested at the level of the cerebral cortex, information from external receptors is processed at the level of the subcortex, hypothalamus, and hippocampus, reaching the lumbar gyrus. The system of the hypothalamus and tonsils provide the body’s response at the level of the simplest, basic forms of behavior.

The amygdala is the main nucleus of control of emotions and feelings in the brain, and also plays a role in storing emotional events and encoding emotional signals, especially the expression of fear on the face (LeDoux, 1996).

Yes, by understanding the relationship between our emotions and the workings of the brain, today we can control emotions,

What are the functions of the amygdala:

Integration of emotions and autonomous responses

The amygdala accurately controls the emission or inhibition of emotional reactions. Participates in positive emotions and reactions of joy or happiness, as in other emotions.

Responding to fear

One of the main functions of the amygdala is the fact that it controls fear. This nucleus allowed our species to survive including fight/run/freeze reactions.

Emotional learning

This structure allows you to choose the strategies that are used in the presence of incentives, as well as to identify situations in which these strategies are also applicable.


Tonsils also affect the structuring of memories. This is due to the combination of memories with emotional states that allow greater connection and fixation of the material to remember, allowing it to consolidate. Regulation of sexual behavior

The action of the amygdala allows you to associate various stimuli with pleasure, the emotional connection between individuals, and their connection with the maintenance of intimate relationships due, among other structures, amygdaloid complex.


Failure of this complex can lead to loss of reactions of aggression and self-defense, and hyperstimulation of the amygdaloid complex is extremely causing aggressive behaviour.