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The American Psychological Association defines emotional immaturity as “the tendency to express emotions without restraint or disproportionate to the situation.” These are people who are often unable to deal with reality and tend to change their perception of reality according to their own needs.

Communicating with them can be difficult or even impossible. They can be deceptive, manipulative, or impulsive in their actions and emotions. For example, they can constantly lie and deceive because their feelings prevail over reason and morality.

Signs of an emotionally immature person

  • They avoid difficult situations – they are emotionally incapable of thinking critically, expressing their thoughts, or listening openly to what others are saying. They either do not acknowledge the situation or withdraw from the discussion.
  • They do not empathize with the emotions and feelings of others. It is only about meeting their needs, and they rarely apologize for hurting people with their actions or words.
  • They demand attention – they demand attention from everyone. When their demands are not met, they act negatively.
  • They are daffodils. An emotionally immature person considers himself the most important person, which prevents him from understanding that both parties have the same meaning in the relationship.
  • They bully and spread rumors if they don’t get what they want. They resort to bullying – making insidious comments and spreading rumors to avenge their offended ego. Such toxic behavior can destroy a wonderful friendship or relationship.
  • They defend themselves – they don’t just admit their mistakes. They come up with unfounded arguments for their actions and even blame the person who opposes them.
  • They act impulsively – outbursts of anger, expressions of abusive things, or abrupt withdrawal when the situation becomes uncomfortable, is a classic sign of emotional immaturity. They do not know how to speak logically without feeling emotional.
  • They have a phobia of commitment – whether it’s a romantic relationship or a career, and the emotionally immature person has difficulty with any commitment. They always doubt and are afraid of the unknown. They often disguise it under the guise of living a happy life to avoid efforts to build a strong relationship or future.
  • They do not talk about their feelings – the expression of feelings and emotions for them is a sign of weakness. This prevents them from getting the help they need. And also makes people’s lives stressful, who regularly face them.
  • They do not like compromises – compromise is also a sign of weakness for an emotionally immature person. They do not understand that relationships are a two-way street, and for them to work, people need to compromise more than once.