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”A person gets sick for many reasons:
some get sick from colds,
some from weariness and grief. ”

Feelings and emotions, expressed through the body, can influence it. We can say that any emotion speaks to a person through bodily symptoms. By listening carefully to yourself, you can always track changes in breathing, heart rate, the appearance of tension, and other signals caused by an emotional outburst.
The first thing that a child realizes is his body. As if in a book, in the body and psyche, everything that ever shook a person is recorded. And this book has been written from an early age. Together with it, defense is formed – a mussel shell, the essence of which is to ensure our consciousness from painful feelings and suppressed emotions. So, a person is saved from the pain of traumatic memory, but now a muscle clamp has appeared in the body, which affects the perception of the world.
Negative experiences at an early age can lead to two extremes: either a feeling of lack of control with emotional impulses, or overcontrol with a lock on feelings in oneself. Fighting emotions, repression, suppression, hiding are very devastating. Ultimately, if a person does not allow himself to somehow live anger, shame, sadness, they can manifest themselves already at the psychosomatic level. With constant suppression of feelings, neuroses, psychosomatic diseases, deterioration of immunity, and a drop in self-esteem are added to the treasury of problems.

So where do emotions reside in the body?

Rage / Anger
When experiencing anger, you can feel an intense wave rise to the level of the chest and neck. From this emotion, the voice can be squeezed, the thoracic region can spasm, the body becomes restless in movements.
Reduces the stomach. A block at this level can manifest as a digestive disorder. With anxiety and fear, adrenaline secreted by the adrenal glands enters the bloodstream, which means that this area is also affected by stress.
Compresses the chest, leaves a lump in the throat. The loss of something important, enjoyable, can be the cause of emptiness in the chest area. Unexpressed sadness turns into depression, and this is already a disease.
Lives in the spleen and weakens the stomach, as does fear. The tendency to get hung up and worry leads to nausea and diarrhea.
As the body’s response to a violation of internal stability, stress causes the mobilization of resources and the release of chemicals to fight the “enemy”. Since now we rarely have to fight physically, and we often struggle with our thoughts, a large number of unused hormones affect the entire systems of human organs. When stress becomes regular, a person can suffer from asthma, hair loss, rashes, sleep disorders, digestive and reproductive system disorders, heart disease and problems with the nervous system, depression.

Twists the stomach, adds a feeling of perspiration and coughing, nausea. The “mission” of disgust is to distance the person from the object that caused him. Causes diseases of the liver and pancreas.
The fiery wave that reaches the face paralyzes and makes one want to disappear as soon as possible, falling through the ground. Excess shame will severely overwhelm and drain a person’s life resources.
Grief / Suffering
Compressing the lungs, making them vulnerable to infections. There may be secrecy and the inability to cry, even when you want to.
Affects the brain, gallbladder, and liver. Irritation caused by the success of another person can be a pretext for neuroses and depression. Due to hormonal surges, the immune system, sleep, heart, and digestion are depleted.

Increases breathing, heart rate. If there is a lot of anxiety, it destroys the stomach and intestines, heart and blood vessels, spleen, and pancreas.
Affects the heart and blood vessels, increasing blood pressure. It has a bad effect on the liver and gallbladder.

Emotional blocks can be worked through the body. Even if they are old. The main task in this is to allow and teach yourself to experience emotions and feelings without harm to the body. By creating bridges to emotions through bodily manifestations, one can understand how to deal with them. Relaxing muscles, relieving tension, creating conditions for the free flow of energy through the body, can heal your emotional clamps. There are relaxation techniques, breathing, and physical yoga exercises, qigong, meditation – you just need to start. By developing self-awareness, a person more easily achieves a sense of the integrity of the body and emotions, as well as the nature of the body’s natural reactions. He no longer needs to be ashamed of feelings and desires, he knows how to survive grief and that it is normal to be afraid. He does not suppress himself and allows people around him to manifest. This greatly improves the quality of life. Good luck!