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What kind of healthy person is he? This state is not only a complete absence of disease but also a feeling of inner well-being. Emotional health is a delicate thing and depends on the settings of a person’s inner world. A comfortable state with oneself, a feeling of satisfaction, a good relationship with the environment, the ability to cope with conflict and difficult situations, openness, and confidence – these are important components of the emotional norm of health. Of course, this does not mean that such a person lives only with a wide smile on his face. He also hits life’s circumstances, faces disappointment, meanness, fear, anger. An emotionally healthy person has the knowledge and resources to confront or cope with such situations.

When we talk about emotional health, we are not talking about a pure concept of mental health. It is rather the normality of a state in which a person is aware of what is happening, knows how to coordinate behavior with himself, knows how and what to do to return himself to balance. These skills are trained along with increasing emotional intelligence. Therefore, emotional health correlates with EQ levels.

Emotional balance can be difficult at times. Due to children’s psychological trauma or other dysfunctions, the emotional swing loosens, a person begins to hear poorly the body, internal signals, from which the condition is further aggravated. Here are some of the symptoms of emotional fragility:

Resentment. Excessive vulnerability can speak of problems hidden in the depths of the subconscious.

Obsession. A thought that, like an ill-mannered guest, does not go out of my head for a long time, undoubtedly harms the psyche. More thoughts like this, more harm.

Mood swings. The constant change from sadness to joy, from anger to apathy, from irritation to admiration is abnormal. This instability is a sign to see a psychologist.

Conflicts with the environment. Constant criticism of loved ones, bad relationships with colleagues, tension with friends – all this can be a sign of inability to cope with internal pain and aggression.

Extreme levels of self-esteem. This is a good indicator for understanding emotional issues.
Poor relationship with oneself. Listen to your internal dialogue – does the critic humiliate you or inspire you?

These factors can act as beacons to start working on promoting emotional health. A mentally stable person is always healthier and physiologically.
How to improve your mental state?

Physical health. A sleepy person will find it more difficult to endure conflicts, solve problems. A hungry person may be more aggressive. The recipe is simple – give your body what it needs: quality sleep, healthy, nutritious food. Add exercise, minimize bad habits.

Keep a diary to track your emotions. Describe feelings, stock up on a dictionary of states, share with a diary about experiences. Just be honest with yourself!

Develop in what you like. Improve your professionalism. The feeling of being in demand works wonders for self-esteem.

Help. If you are in the resource for this, do a good deed for the environment joyfully and meaningfully.

Time for yourself. You can always be alone, even if someone wants to be with you now.

Get creative. Emotionality is directly related to creativity.

The circle of their people. Spend time with those who trust and inspire you.

Reduce your TV and computer time.

Think about the future.

Define personal values. Describe them in words. This is almost impossible to take away from you.

Emotional health brings a wonderful understanding that no matter how intense the passions would occur, there is the confidence that this can be dealt with. When a person is in balance with emotions and thoughts, it is easier for him to realize the potential, seize opportunities and contribute to the world around him. The path to inner peace is not always easy, but it’s worth it.