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All of us from time to time experience such emotions as irritation, anger, fear, envy, jealousy, hostility, frustration, guilt, shame, despair, and anger … but – negative emotions help to grow and develop

It is negative emotions that signal the usefulness and harmfulness of what happens to the body, and are of paramount importance for human survival.

However, subjectively, negative emotions are always undesirable for us and are accepted as something to get rid of. Although negative emotions help us survive, we try to avoid meeting them and form an illusory idea of ​​the possibility of living without negative experiences.

Negative feelings are an integral part of our lives and our personality. We can deny them, but they are in each of us. In addition, no matter how we treat them, each of them has its function. Fear, anger, shame, envy – all these and other not too bright emotions serve important purposes.

Negative emotions are not bad emotions, but there are illiterate tactics for dealing with inappropriate emotions. If emotion is inappropriate, it does not mean that it should be banned. They are often adequate and useful, and in low intensity – and attractive.

Causes of negative emotions

Let’s try to understand this. Negative emotions can be divided into two types, according to their source.

Emotions caused by internal tension

This applies to those cases of hypertrophied response to external stimuli due to accumulated stress. These are just the cases when we say “I’m hot”. Even the slightest situation, to which you usually react calmly, can cause you severe irritation now. This tension craves to go out.

Emotions as a reaction to external circumstances

These are the negative feelings that are provoked mainly by the external environment, not tension. In principle, the difference, we can say, is conditional, because all negative emotions are just a reaction to something. For us, events cannot exist by themselves, there is only our perception of these events.

Negative emotions are an analog of pain receptors in the body: they make it clear that something went wrong. A negative state – is a signal rocket, which indicates that harmony is lost.

What you need to do with negative/negative emotions

  1. Stop denying them and acknowledge that they are (once) and that they are with us (two). Expand your vocabulary of emotions that we can recognize and name.
  2. Gradually master the energy of emotion. We use our breath and awareness of what this emotion is about. All negative emotions tell us that some very important process is going on inside us.

Fear warns us of danger, anger, and rage – mobilizes us in a situation where we feel that we can be attacked and our borders can be violated. Envy tells us that we can achieve more and so on. Any emotion can be used as fuel to make your life better.

  1. Learn to cope with these emotions. Choose the appropriate form and intensity for their expression. Learn to restrain them so that the energy of these emotions does not destroy you from within. You can read more about how to manage emotions.

And so if we want to treat negative emotions correctly, it is important to begin to understand them. So, what negative emotions do we have, and what functions do they perform?

Coach Tracy Kennedy reminds us that every basic emotion, regardless of its color, has its task.

  • Anger teaches you to face difficulties.
  • Fear protects from danger.
  • Anxiety makes you plan for the future. Surprise opens the way to knowledge.
  • Joy reminds us of the importance.
  • Sadness brings you closer to your loved ones.
  • Trust awakens a willingness to come to the rescue.
  • Disgust warns against anything that could harm.

Everyone can cope with the destructive feelings that lead to the development of serious and incurable diseases. You can significantly improve your health if you heal the emotional sphere. By learning to control your emotions, you can become a truly happy person!